Thursday, February 21, 2008

Barnes & Noble at The Grove is my new spot

About a month ago in an effort to put myself "in the environment" more I've been making myself a regular at the Barnes & Noble at The Grove on a particular weekday evening that's free in my schedule. I've found that it's actually a great environment to be in for my purposes: there's Starbucks at my beck and call; I can catch up on reading The Four-Hour Work Week (I'm about halfway through but I plan on reading it twice so I can understand and apply the principles it's teaching); and there is a higher-than-average percentage of Korean girls that show up to study or drink coffee or whatever. Sometimes I'll even go here and shoot the shizzle with my buddy K. It's just such a perfect environment for relaxing in and meeting people. There's hardly any distractions, ample lighting and plenty of coffee to fuel those last stretches of chapter to cover. :-)

As far as girls I've approached here I've approached 3 so far (on separate occasions). All of them Direct yet friendly. None of them have panned out yet, but I figure that's a matter of the Pareto Principle at play (wow, say that five times fast). Here are the breakdowns...

The first one was on my way down past the magazine racks out the door. I saw this cute Asian chick browsing the People magazines, paused to see what her situation might've been (at that time of night and day of the week it's highly likely that she was on a date), took a deep breath and approached. Went Direct, got a smile, "Hi my name's Julie." We vibed for a hot minute before mentioning that she was on a date, actually (figures, but I don't let that stop me). While talking her date shows up, some Asian dude that's mad-dogging me for talking to his chick. I greet him with a warm smile and a hearty handshake to try and get him to relax but he's not having it. I vibe with the both of them for a little bit about whatever until my buddy K. rolls up and helps me close up shop on that interaction.

I don't think there's much more I could've done with this situation. If anything I needed to act a little faster so I could get a proper amount of Rapport time with her before her man showed up, but beyond that not much more. It was still an interaction I had to do because she caught my eye in that special way.


Second interaction was while I was sitting up at the tables near the Starbucks. While chatting it up with my buddy K. I notice this TOTALLY MY TYPE Korean girl occupy the table right in my line-of-sight. Oh my God, she was firing on all cylinders sonnnnnn! At an appropriate lull in my conversation with K. I excuse myself, take a deep breath and approach. The vibe was electric for me (and I'm sure for her), it was pretty damn close to how the Movie Moment opener is done, energy-wise.

"Hey." :-) Her name was Eunice.

It was on. SO FVCKING ON.

Until her mom showed up 3 minutes later. :-\ I had to switch gears when Mommy showed up from sexual to fun/flirty and couldn't do much else with her while Mom was present. Eunice had a BF (which, again, I don't care about; if it's on, it's on, you'll find a way to make it happen for her and still keep her not feeling like a slut) and that, coupled with Mom's presence, pretty much ended things. She offered to give me her email but I don't do emails any more-- in the past they've lead to frustration and wasted effort on my part. I had to bid her "adieu". :-(


The third one was the most recent one which involved a Literary Legal Eagle by the name of Olivia from OH (she's not Korean, btw). Again, I was chilling with K. and my other buddy S. shotting the shit when I notice this girl lug her backpack and large-ass literature books into a tiny side-table. At first I was kind of "ehh" about her-- it wasn't a bang-on-gut-reaction like with Eunice (above). The more glances I stole at her (at one point we even had good, solid eye contact) the more interested I became in her. After about 20 minutes (yeah, I know, sometimes I take too long) I get up and talk to her. 10 minutes of Rapport which was mutual flirting and sharing on both our parts. At the end when I go for the day2 close she breaks out the "I have a BF" which seemed genuine so I didn't press it further. She gave me her email address (which I don't ask for but if she's giving it, then fine), we shoot the shit for another minute or so, then I let her get back to studying.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

There and balikbayan again

It's been ages since I've taken a proper vacation from work. In fact I don't recall ever taking a vacation of more than 3 days (aka "the long weekend") before college ended. That changed when I took a vacation with family to the Philippines recently for two weeks, partly to attend my cousin's wedding in Batangas, partly to lounge about doing nothing (or so I thought) in Cebu and Bohol. I learned a couple of things while I was out there, some of which I'll elucidate below.


If you thought Asian girls in the 'States were shy, man, girls from the Philippines are even more shy. Shy and low self-esteem and surprised that a sexy Asian man (such as myself) would see anything in them worth getting to know. Now I'm not saying this to try and put them down or anything, God love 'em, but they make the whole "getting to know you" process a challenge, that's for certain. The whole time I was out there, every single girl I approached was shocked that I would want to talk to them. I remember one in particular verbalizing, "Why do you want to talk to me, I'm boring!" over and over again. It's kind of sad and yet also part of my challenge: I have to find that one special thing in her and show it the light of day and the brilliant light of my love *gag* ;-).

--oh yeah, Direct opening doesn't exist in the Philippines. No where. Even with the white folk vacationing there I'm 99% certain I'm the only guy in that whole frickin' nation with brass ones enough to approach a stranger and tell her she's cute and that I'd like to shag her rotten. I'd like to change that some day, but I digress...


There are a lot of prostitutes in the Philippines, not all of which are necessarily of "legal" age. :-\ Despite all the advances in technology and economic growth the Philippines is still, by and large, a poor country (2nd world, or something close to it). Because of this and because of the large number of tourists that visit the beaches (on some of the islands) there's good money to be made in that profession.


While I was there I spent most of my time with family or touring but in the precious moments when I could actually, you know, do what I wanted to (that's the point of a vacation, isn't it?) I was able to flirt with a couple of pinays. Here's the noteworthy ones:

1) While staying at a beach resort in Cebu I met this lil' cutey while she was sitting with her friends by the pool. It started with solid Eye Contact from a distance and a sly smile. From there it was all Presence and Eye Contact and some good kino. There was a language barrier (even though I understand Tagalog) so a lot of the interaction was broken Taglish, smiling and kino.

The main problem? Logistics, on both our parts. I was sharing a room with my family and she was there with a, ahem, "client". That didn't stop the fact that she was crazy attracted to me (I don't count specific IOIs any more, it's just a gut feeling based on her actions and I haven't been wrong yet). All we could do was flirt from afar and over text message. Ultimately the stars just didn't line up for us.

2) While killing some time at a mall in Cebu with my cousin and brother I saw this cute girl walk into the coffee shop we were in. After she bought her coffee and sat outside at a table I just said, "fvck it" and approached her Direct (yet friendly and relaxed). She was taken aback at first but started smiling and enjoying the interaction soon after.

This interaction was notable for me because I really pushed my kino with her, even kino'ing her legs and small of her back in broad daylight. When she'd call me on the kino I'd banter back with stuff like, "I'm not touching your back, you keep leaning into my hands! :-) If you keep that up I'm going to have to stop talking to you. ;-)" I would, of course, continue kinoescalating. :-)

If I had still been staying in Cebu that day I have no doubt I would've pulled her back to my hotel room. As it stands I was flying out that day with my family in an hour, so this one didn't go anywhere.

3) During my last couple of days in Manila I went with a couple of friends to a local strip club/karaoke bar. Now the way these strip club/k-bars work is, beyond the normal strip club below, there are karaoke rooms you can rent on the second floor. With these room rentals you have your choice of "female companion" taken from this large, aquarium-like viewing room (you need to see it to know what I mean, it's kind of funny).

The rude and the crude of it: you can spend time with the chick in the k-room and elect to pay an extra amount to rent a private room for an hour to schtup her. Most of my friends elected to do so. Why didn't I? Well, lemme tell ya...

The girl that I picked was... a challenge, to say the least. She looked young (well, all pinays look young) and she acted even younger. It wouldn't surprise me if she turned out to be around 16 years old, even though she said 18. She was very ticklish-- I mean, so ticklish that even placing my hand on her back made her laugh and pull away (she said that she was ticklish because she didn't know where my hands were). On top of all this was the language barrier.

So how did I handle it? Well I played it patiently and kept the energy light and fun-- there was a lot of word play (mostly through broken Taglish) and strong Eye Contact, and I eventually got her accustomed to my touch despite repeated push-off's. I took things to a sexual level by deliberately controlling her hands (with mine on top) and using them to touch herself. Eventually once everyone else left the room I took things all the way with her. She certainly wasn't ticklish by that point. ;-)


All in all I really enjoyed my time in the Philippines. It was great to see my relatives and to flex my chick skills with the local talent. I may yet return one day, hopefully with more time to actually do what I want.

A New Year

Man, has it really been 3 months since I've posted to this blog? So much has happened in the interim that's noteworthy (well, at least to myself) I don't even know where to begin. I guess the best way to disseminate this information is too outline it and then go into the nit-grits in separate posts. :-)
  • Went on vacation to the Philippines, had sexytimes
  • Been going to the Barnes & Noble at The Grove regularly to read a book and flirt with girls
  • Taught at another AoA weekend (sort of)
In terms of where my "game" is at, it's a LOT more natural than it was in months past. I owe a lot of it to hanging with my "natural" buddy, K., who I talk a LOT with about girls and "game" and all kinds of shizzle. It certainly gives me a good barometer to measure things against, plus he's just a cool motherfucker to hang with. To sum up where my "game" is:
  • Less words in Attraction and Rapport
  • More assertive kino right off the bat
  • Tighter non-verbal communication (body language, eye contact, kino)
  • Stronger "Frame" (if she's talking to me, she likes me, so it's "on" and I go for what I want)
As an aside to why I'm able to be more assertive and "bold":

If you've ever seen me or hung out with me you know that I tend to put off a "metrosexual" vibe. Part of this is being brought up in an Asian culture, part of it is being a Virgo (Virgos are a "mutable" sign, meaning they can play the Masculine or Feminine poles of a given relationship). Because I may not be percieved (outwardly) as overly-Masculine I can get away with some pretty crazy shit, kino-wise and verbally. I think this is also why Direct works so well for me-- there's a contrast of intense Masculine direction versus a more Feminine "vibe". Not saying I'm a girlie-man or anything, though, so fvck off. ;-)

In any case I'll be following up this post with more details of what's been my going-on lately in terms of chicks.

Happy New Year!