Thursday, May 31, 2007

Subway - Eat Fresh!

It's been a personal goal of mine to do at least one approach a day, if possible. It's a habit that I'd like to become subconscious, where ultimately I'd like to just see a cute chick, check the logistics, then go talk to her. Today was a positive step in this direction.

Was finishing up eating at Subway before jetting off to an appointment when I saw this cute Asian chick sitting near the soda dispensers. The key part for me, mentally, wasn't whether I was going to talk to her or not, it was how I was going to do it. Some part of me already resolved to meet her, and I did this cold (no warm-up sets or anything) which is uncommon for me still.

The details aren't all that important-- went Direct on her, got into Rapport, kind of flubbed the #close (she admitted she has a BF). In the end it's okay, the experience was worth more than the actual #close. I can parlay the feelings and knowledge towards the next cute chick that I come across.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

To the one that got away

Dear Unmet Korean Girl,

It's amazing how life will throw you opportunities, whether you're ready for them or you're not. How standing in a Barnes & Noble at The Grove, minding your own business, can introduce fleeting moments of clarity, and indecision, and animal lust and a pause.

I'm writing this down, here, to remind me of these rare, fleeting moments. Life is ephemeral but it does give us what we desire, if all we do is ask for it. I've been asking the universe for a hot Korean chick for a while now, and I need to act when the moment happens.

There's never a perfect time to meet anyone. There's only the here and now. So here's to you, unnamed Korean Girl, may your lesson ring true in my soul, so that I may take action the next time The Universe gives me what I ask of it.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sometimes this feels like a part-time job

All the progress I was making last week came to a screeching halt for some reason this past week. I couldn't peel myself away from work and I was feeling overly unmotivated to head out at night. Even this weekend (which is Memorial Day Weekend) I haven't even had a strong desire to go out and meet girls. I've basically been on a dry spell.

I'm not sure what it is. Maybe I'm getting burned out? There are times when the active search for girls to bring into my life feels like a part-time job. The returns haven't been THAT great yet, but part of that is my qualifying of the girls that I approach; I haven't really met anyone that really *sparks* it for me.

Like with anything worthwhile, though, I suppose it's not a matter of *if* but a matter of *when*. I just have to have faith that I'll start meeting women that Attract me on much more than just a physical level. There's already one in the pipeline but the logistics have just been Hell.

Tomorrow I need to go get a haircut on Melrose or something and then just wander around for a bit and see what Fate, Destiny and The Law of Averages brings my way.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The importance of taking action every day

This is more a Note To Self than anything:

Take action every day.

The act of moving my feet towards what I want is often more than enough to get me closer to the results I want. Sure there'll be times when the girl isn't receptive, or is not available, or any other number of reasons. BUT, the real lesson lies in the taking of action, not the outcome of that specific interaction.

Make it a daily habit. At least one cute girl a day must be told so. It will make her day, because a hot guy recognized the hard work she puts in to making herself cute. It will make my day because I get to see that cute face light up in appreciation. If more comes from it, all the better. :-)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Daytime Shenanigans at The Grove

Went out today to hang with my buddies S. and B. at The Grove for a couple of hours. We were there to hang out, catch up on stuff and talk to cute girls. :-) My personal mission that day was to work on my Indirect approaches. I was never really a fan of doing the "1-2-3" Indirect approach until I started instructing with PU101. It's funny how teaching people really elevates your own game and lets you re-experience things you thought you'd forgotten. In any case I developed a taste for it and wanted to hammer out the details of it for my own use. It's definitely a good tactic for street sets as it keeps things fun and flirty, plus it gives me an "out" if there's a language barrier and I don't want to continue past the "1" portion of the "1-2-3".

I'm still having some issues with Rapport but I'm not sure if it's 100% on my end or if the environment also had a significant role in things. In any case, here are the sets of note:

1) Two cute chicks (definitely in the 8-9 range) were walking down the main drag towards the Farmer's Market. I came up from the side into their peripheral vision, extended my hand towards them and:

ME: Excuse me guys, do you know if there's an ATM around here?
GIRL 1: I think there's on--
ME: <kino her arm> ACTUALLY, I don't care-- I just came to flirt with you guys. You're just soooo cute, I had to say "Hi". :-)
GIRLS: <giggles and laughter>

Introductions went around and I went for my go-to Rapport question: "So where are you guys from?" We vibe for a minute or so but I can't take things deeper with either one. After a minute I let them get on their way.

I didn't get both of them to turn away from the direction they were heading, so I was fighting an uphill battle to keep them both engaged. Still, I made them feel good and I felt good, too, so not a loss at all.

2) Worker bee inside Nordstroms. I tap her elbow from the side, and:

ME: Hey, do I have to buy anything, or can I just flirt with you for free? :-) (credit: R. Kramer)
HER: <laughs>

Get intros and start vibing. I'm able to share some stories with her about me but she keeps looking over at the register and slowly increasing the physical distance between us. Eventually she excuses herself to help some customers and I bid her adieu.

Later on when I reconvene with B. (who was monitoring my set from a distance) he says she was checking me out while I was in a nearby section of the store, so I can't have done all THAT badly.

3) See this cute girl standing outside some restaurant.

ME: Excuse me, this may sound random, but you're really cute. I had to come meet you. :-)
HER: :-)

We exchange names and vibe for a minute. She's from Bulgaria and is there with her BF, so I try to work fast on the Rapport. No dice, she gets a call from her BF, so I wish her a good day.

4) Cute redhead inside B&N. She's listening to some music in the CD section of the store and has the headphones on tight. I put my hand in her peripheral vision so as to not startle her, motion for her to take off the headphones, and:

ME: Excuse me, this may sound random, but you're really cute. I had to come meet you. :-)
HER: :-)

While talking with her she slides the headphones on sort-of, with her ears poking out somewhat so she can hear me. We vibe for maybe a minute or two and she eventually gets back to her music.

I think with this particular set I didn't commit her body AWAY from what she was doing (listening to music), so that's a lesson for me: turn her at least 90 degrees (ideally 180 degrees) away from what she was doing while engaging her.

5) Two cute girls walking their dogs outside the Apple store. One of them is on the phone so I open the cuter one with:

ME: Excuse me, do you know if there's an ATM around here?
HER: I think there's one nea--
ME: Actually, I don't care. I just came here to flirt with you. :-)
HER: :-)

Introductions and vibe. This one's actually going really well with Rapport, UNTIL her friend's dog gets loose and runs after some other person's dog to sniff butts. After they recovered her dog that broke the vibe and they bounced.

Not sure what I could have done beyond that. I got ADOG'ed.


Overall an excellent day at The Grove. I have to rest up since I'm double-booked socially for the evening and have to drive around Downtown LA for two things.

Monday, May 7, 2007

I'm A Flirt

This is my jam right now: R. Kelly, "I'm A Flirt." Shit's catchy like a mutant strain of ebola and monkey pox. Rock, rock on...

The importance of good wingmanship

I went with my brother and a buddy of mine to The Edison this past Saturday night. Apparently Saturday is an unofficial Asian night which is TOTALLY fine by me. ^_^ We got there at 9:00pm and chilled until around 10:00pm when things started to fill up.

In any case, on to the point of this lil' post-- having a capable wingman is CRUCIAL to managing a large group of people. A good one will make your job effortless; a bad one will sabotage things for you before you've even really started.

Case in point: my buddy L. was winging for me on all the sets I was approaching but he wasn't trained in the ways of the Force (so to speak) so he was basically making my job 10x's harder. Most of the sets of the evening went like this:

1. I open the set.
2. Not even 10 seconds in he shows up and just orbits behind my back. Aaaarrgghhh, don't do that man, it's creepy to the girls! T_T;;
3. I introduce him to the group way too early, and he jumps on just one chick and engages just her, leaving me to manage the rest of the group.
4. The vibe in the set dies soon after.

Times like this make me want to go to clubs solo. :-\ I love the guy, honestly I do, but he unintentionally was salting my game! My options are pretty clear, here:

A. Run game solo (not as fun)
B. Train L. how to be a proper wingman
C. Find another wingman that's already well-versed in the ways of Wingmanship.

If anyone else is reading this, here's the basic Rules:
  • He who opens the group runs the group. Defer power to Him.
  • Your Wing is More Important, More Interesting, and Cooler than ANYONE ELSE in that venue. Act accordingly.
  • When you enter the group, address your Wing and let him introduce you to the group. After that, ACT NORMAL. Assume Rapport/Comfort with the group.
  • Your primary duty is to help your Wing get laid. This means you're there to occupy the group while your Wing gets one-on-one time with his intended Girl.
  • If your Wing says it's time to bounce, then it's time to bounce.

Friday, May 4, 2007

I just thought these were cool

Saw these images on this guy's website and thought they were fitting, somehow:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

That's it. Carry on...

Thursday, May 3, 2007

An Afternoon at the Beverly Center

I stepped out of work early today since I had finished all the stuff I needed to work on. It was a touch cold out for 3rd Street Promenade so I decided to head to the Beverly Center and look for a white jacket (I needed one for my wardrobe, in any case).

I actually found a really sick jacket in Bloomingdale's so I decided to keep shopping for other things in the mall (and by "other things" I mean chicks). The mall was lightly populated at 5:00pm– there were definitely cute chicks around but none that really caught my fancy. Some Asian chicks with boyfriends or in otherwise awkward-to-approach situations, so my state was falling a little bit. :-\

After getting an early dinner from KFC (I didn't know there were KFC's in malls, let alone in the frickin' Beverly Center) I was feeling a little bit better so I headed into one of the big department stores, doing warm-up sets along the way. On my way out of there I spot this cute black chick working one of the departments. Now when I look at my track record of Types Of Chicks I Dig black girls tend to not be in the top spots– I don't know why, they just never "did" it for me. That is, except for this chick. Something about her made me want to go talk to her, so I did.

ME: Excuse me...
HER: Yes, can I help you?
ME: Ya, do I have to buy anything, or can I just flirt with you for free? :-) (credit: R. Kramer)
HER: <Caught off-guard for a moment, realizes I'm flirting with her, then laughs>
ME: I can't help it, you're just sooooo cute. :-) What's your name?
HER: I'm ________.

From there I vibe with her, searching for emotional threads to run with. I'm able to bring things down to about medium rapport, talking about our families and such. At one point I tell her about my day job and she asks for my business card; I oblige her with one. I misstep a little on the day2 attempt and don't get the contact info. D'oh! After a little bit I bid her a pleasant evening.

Some things for me to work on:
  • Transition to day2 was a little rocky this time. Have to remember to gauge her interest in a day2 before trying to set it up.
  • My closest hand was occupied with a garment bag which made kino difficult. :-\ MENTAL NOTE: Switch bag to other hand.
  • Have to try taking Rapport EVEN DEEPER next time. See if I can find more emotional threads to hit in the time span I have.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

There and back again

May 1st, 2007. This date has some significance for me in regards to this whole "relationships with women" aspect of my life. 3 months ago I had set some lofty personal goals for myself, inspired by a workshop class I took which focused on personal goal-setting.

I carried a goal card around with me at all times. Heck, I still have it in my wallet. It reads:

I will have ongoing intimate relationships with four cute chicks (in a two-week rotation) by May 1, 2007.

Crazy-sounding, I know (you should've seen the card I had prior o_O;;). Well, it's the evening of May 1st and I haven't achieved this goal. Does this mean I've failed?

I'd like to think that it was a learning experience more than a failure. I used to think I wanted four chicks at once. Granted they'd be spaced out so that I saw them once every 10-14 days. Now, I don't feel so strongly about that...

People's perspectives on life change with time, mine included. I'm going to be re-writing my card this week after I reflect on what I want some more. New goal, new parameters for success, new milestones to set and achieve. I'm thinking my new goal may read something like this:

I will have one ongoing intimate relationship with one awesome-beyond-belief chick by September 1, 2007.

September is actually a good marker to stop and survey my progress on this goal-- my birthday occurs in September, so in a cosmic way it's fitting. Now, this new goal doesn't occlude fuck buddies or one-nighters, but it does focus my intent and energy towards finding a woman that I TOTALLY dig. It's a worthy goal.