Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sometimes this feels like a part-time job

All the progress I was making last week came to a screeching halt for some reason this past week. I couldn't peel myself away from work and I was feeling overly unmotivated to head out at night. Even this weekend (which is Memorial Day Weekend) I haven't even had a strong desire to go out and meet girls. I've basically been on a dry spell.

I'm not sure what it is. Maybe I'm getting burned out? There are times when the active search for girls to bring into my life feels like a part-time job. The returns haven't been THAT great yet, but part of that is my qualifying of the girls that I approach; I haven't really met anyone that really *sparks* it for me.

Like with anything worthwhile, though, I suppose it's not a matter of *if* but a matter of *when*. I just have to have faith that I'll start meeting women that Attract me on much more than just a physical level. There's already one in the pipeline but the logistics have just been Hell.

Tomorrow I need to go get a haircut on Melrose or something and then just wander around for a bit and see what Fate, Destiny and The Law of Averages brings my way.

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