Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My mojo's off today

You know those days when you feel like you never should've gone out in the first place? This was one of those days for me. :-\

Took a brisk walk to 3rd Street Promenade. On the way there I let two hot women pass me by (one Asian, one White). I stopped in my tracks for both and thought about it too long. :-( Bad John! Just act! *sigh*

After getting a tasty, tasty burger from Fatburger I wandered about the Promenade. While in Borders I notice this okay-looking white chick browsing books. I think to myself, "Ya, why not?". I open her Direct but I get a bad reaction; might be something's off about my energy or body language. I can't really tell in the moment. Oh well, chalked it up to experience and went back to browsing.

On the walk back I see this okay-looking blonde chick waiting at a bus stop. Again, open Direct, again get a less-than-favorable response. She actually said, "Yeah, I get that a lot" to my "You're cute"! That's a first for me (high-five? I guess) and I try to banter it off but it's a lost cause, I can feel it. I wish her a good day and go on my way.

I'm thinking either my energy's not right this morning or my intention isn't there; that is, I find these girls only somewhat attractive, so maybe that's influencing my Direct openers? Something to mull over.

I need to talk to a couple more later tonight after work, can't end the day on a weird down-note. :-\

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