Friday, October 19, 2007

HurryDate at Ritual

Since my schedule's been pretty tight at work I'd decided to explore other avenues of socializing. A friend had to told me about HurryDate and I decided to give it a whirl; I'd never done speed dating before and want to check it out. This particular event was being held at Ritual, where White Lotus used to be.

"But J," you may ask, "aren't you a PUA that can bed HB11's at the drop of a dime?" </sarcasm> I'll be the first to admit that recently the girls I've been interacting with in bars and lounges have been... less-than-ideal for a myriad number of reasons. Maybe it's the environment, maybe it's them, who knows. I thought this would be fun to try out and see how the quality of girls at an event like this is.

I'll say this much for the events I've gone to so far (tonight included): it's a crap shoot. Of the 20-some-odd girls that were there maybe 4 of them were attractive physically. I talked to all 4 of those chicks and there was just something... not there. I can't put my finger on it. It may be that the type of girls that speed date are either (A) too busy to socialize normally or (B) are peculiar in some other fashion that prevents them from being social on a regular basis. In any case the 4 cute chicks all had personality quirks that just didn't do it for me:

1. Reagan (yes like the ex-president): Just a weird personality. Very abrasive, negative, odd.
2. Abi (sp?): Hot Iranian chick. Libra. The sparks just weren't there.
3. Evelyn: Asian Dental Hygenist from Monrovia. Boring.
4. M____ (I forgot her name): too quiet, was like pulling teeth trying to get some Rapport with her. Arguably the hottest chick at the event. Tall, blonde, late 20's. Marketing consultant that lived in some city near the 5 and 170 freeway.

All in all I'm pleased with myself for trying this out and being social tonight to try and make up for the hot Korean that walked in and out of my life TWICE this afternoon. Confused I need to take this momentum and carry it into the weekend. Hopefully work won't sap my mojo.

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