Wednesday, April 18, 2007

FR: Day Game in a Whale's Vagina


-A = Always, B = Be, C = Cobbli-- err, I mean Closing
-Be flexible and think quickly on your feet with the end goal (f-close, day2, instadate) in mind. Eyes on the prize, gentlemen, eyes on the prize...
-Smooth sensual kino, man, it does WONDERS. Fuck all that Opinion Opener asexual indifference bullsh!t. My words are boring, but my kino's *sensual*. She knows which message to listen to. B-)


Drove down to SD to meet up with RK for a lil' Day Game. Since it was raining this morning we hit up Fashion Valley, an indoor/outdoor mall. Hit up a couple of sets, the most notable one being the one below:

Went into Z Gallerie to window shop and talk to girls. Cute blonde worker there catches my eye, and the conversation can be paraphrased as such:

HER: Do you need any help?
ME: Yeah. Do you think girls would like to jump onto this down comforter [on some demo bed next to us] on this bed?
HER: Probably. :-)
ME: [Banter and LOTS of kino, which I've been refining]
HER: [Responding very positively to the interaction]
ME: [More banter and generous kino]
HER: So, do you have any other questions?
ME: No, I just wanted to flirt with you because you're so cute.
HER: :-) Well, we also have some bedding items over here...
ME: Cool, show me [grab hand to drag her along, Hand Test passed, so I let go]
ME: [Post up on other demo bed, enter Rapport]

One of her co-workers comes within earshot of us and it kind of freaks me out a little bit, so I stand up and talk with the co-worker a little bit. She soon leaves.

HER: So how long are you going to be in SD? [Subtle IOI if I've ever heard one]
ME: Only for a couple of hours. [D'oh! misstep on my part-- I can always drive back to LA late]
ME & HER: [Continue Rapport convo]

Eventually I let her get back to work. In hindsight I should've contact closed her, if anything just because it's a good habit to have. :-\

...actually, scratch that. I should've day2'd her for later that day, gone back to RK's place for my car, then met up with her for some happy fun times. :-\ Hindsight's always 20/20.

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