Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Missed ONS

Just wanted to put this up here for posterity so I don't forget. Was at a social mixer for professionals in Santa Monica (got one soft contact close from a cute Korean chick, could've been better but her friend was there the entire time) and hung out with some people from the Santa Monica Lair.

Afterwards went to Busby's on Santa Monica Blvd. to hang out, talk, and play some table tennis. While sitting down near the entrance to the table tennis room and talking with a newbie about game this drunk chick (I'd give her, like, a 6 or 7 on the numeric scale) rolls up behind us and is staring at the table tennis. I open her, light banter, introductions. Eye contact is good, so I start rampin' the kino and I can just tell it's on. I do some basic Rapport with her and keep kinoescalating.

The problem is the newbie won't take the hint and leave. He's engaging her the *whole* time in logical BS and I can't help but cringe on the inside. :-\ Eventually she leaves.

If the newbie weren't there it could've been sooo easy to just say, "So are you ready to leave?" and bounced her right then and there.

In hindsight I should've just boxed out the newbie (asshole move, but necessary) and kinoescalated her to the point of bouncing. A lesson learned, regardless.

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